Senin, 03 September 2012


SPARTAAAAAAAAA ! (Or any other generic shout)

Douche Tribal Tat

1. Tribal (chain ?) tat - check
2. Face expression that makes it uncomfortable to be with him in the same room - check
3. You can see his underwear - check
4. Ugly circle tats around nipples and navel - triple check

Yes, you pass the douche tat test, congratulations ! Now you can put your shirt on and don't forget to pop the collar.

Flaming Dagger

I'm not sure if this was supposed to be artistic or manly, the flames and the skin-piercing parts look rather pathetic. What I can say for sure is that this guy is a gamer, since every gamer knows that blades on fire are better than the regular ones.

Tips Menghindari Racun dari Alat Dapur

Jika sebelumnya kita telah mengetahui kalau sebenarnya alat-alat dapur yang biasa kita gunakan itu banyak mengandung racun, nah ini solusinya:Gunakan alat masak yang terbuat dari stainless-steel titanium..Emang, harganya relatif lebih mahalTapi sekaligus lebih irit, karena kita menggunakan lebih sedikit bumbu makanan (kita kan gak usah nutupin rasa pahit dari alat masak itu)Tapi jangan lupa,

Andreas Panayiotou, Miliarder dari Inggris yang Buta Huruf

Andreas Panayiotou memiliki kerajaan properti senilai 400 juta poundsterling (Rp 5.5 triliun) dan menduduki peringkat 200 orang terkaya di Inggris. dia membuat pengakuan mengejutkan. “Saya tidak bisa membaca,” katanya.Ayah lima anak itu bukannya tidak mau belajar membaca. “Waktu kecil saya berusaha keras agar bisa membaca,” kata lelaki 45 tahun itu. Dia memutuskan berhenti sekolah pada umur

Perbedaan Cowok dan Cewek Saat Bangun di Pagi Hari

sumber :

16 Foto Gokil yang Bikin Kita Ngakak

Start Tattoo


R I S P E C T ... the irony.

alpha omega tattoos

Alpha-omega Tattoo Gallery No.11059. « Police Tattoo Gallery No.30750

Alpha-omega Tattoo Gallery No.11059. « Police Tattoo Gallery No.30750

Of Trinidad - Includes Christian Symbols Of Cross, Alpha And Omega,

Of Trinidad - Includes Christian Symbols Of Cross, Alpha And Omega,

#7: [FTP]Alpha and Omega (2010)

#7: [FTP]Alpha and Omega (2010)

layout of the team divided into their control squads, Alpha and Omega. Pink Heart Tattoo skin for iPhone 4 СЕГА $14.99

layout of the team divided into their control squads, Alpha and Omega. Pink Heart Tattoo skin for iPhone 4 СЕГА $14.99

alpha omega tattoo | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

alpha omega tattoo | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

a student at Cal State Fullerton was also a member of Alpha Chi Omega.

a student at Cal State Fullerton was also a member of Alpha Chi Omega.

Alpha And Omega omega shoulder tattoos designs tattoo pictures

Alpha And Omega omega shoulder tattoos designs tattoo pictures

About Alpha and Omega Tattoo. Over 6000 Flash Designs to Choose From.

About Alpha and Omega Tattoo. Over 6000 Flash Designs to Choose From.

Tattoo by Jonathan at Alpha & Omega's Tattoo & Body Piercing, Oshkosh

Tattoo by Jonathan at Alpha & Omega's Tattoo & Body Piercing, Oshkosh

Religious Praying Tattoo Religious tattoos have been popular throughout

Religious Praying Tattoo Religious tattoos have been popular throughout

Tatto by Billy Beens of Tat-nice Tattoos in Huntington, WV

Tatto by Billy Beens of Tat-nice Tattoos in Huntington, WV

girl tattoo on alpha-omega. October 09th, 2010

girl tattoo on alpha-omega. October 09th, 2010

Now what drives you to getting a tattoo? Think about it.

Now what drives you to getting a tattoo? Think about it.

tattoo #3 Alpha Omega. Carlee Ross

tattoo #3 Alpha Omega. Carlee Ross

You'll notice that the Alpha and Omega

You'll notice that the Alpha and Omega

The Alpha & Omega is the one ryan just got done doing.

The Alpha & Omega is the one ryan just got done doing.

The hourglass inside shows "time" being inside that cycle and the alpha

The hourglass inside shows "time" being inside that cycle and the alpha

alpha and omega tattoo crown tattoo and elephant tattoo:

alpha and omega tattoo crown tattoo and elephant tattoo:

tattoo ass

tattoo ass

The omega to the question's alpha. Omega. The end.

The omega to the question's alpha. Omega. The end.

dragon tattoo

sleeve tattoo